Hi everyone and welcome to Blade Tactics (Origins).  I often get asked what from or styles do I draw from in my studies of Martial Arts. In this video, learn how I drew from different forms and styles of martial arts to enhance my fighting during different levels of a fight. The skills here are universal from empty hands to close quarters weapons.  If one wishes to be effective in the deployment of weapons then first they must get within the effective range of that weapon.  Learn the styles I draw from within the levels of the fight to get me within the lethal range of my weapons.  


Tu Lam (Ret. Special Forces- Green Beret) is a professional tactics and weapons expert with over 22 years of Special Operations experience.

The training represented on these training modules are the tip of the spear in close quarters combat. Tu Lam has personally researched different forms of martial arts to enhance his operational abilities while deployed around the world. These forms can be lethal and should be performed with extreme caution. Failure to do so can result in serious injuries or death. Treat your blade with the same respect as a firearm. Ronin Tactics, Inc. will assume NO LIABILITY connected with the use of our training modules. Under no circumstances are we liable for any injuries, loss, damage or expenses of any kind arising from our training modules.

Parental permission and supervision is REQUIRED for ALL STUDENTS UNDER 18 YEARS OLD.  

***You will have 90 Days*** to view this course upon time of purchase.

Course Curriculum

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    Rōnin Blade Tactics (Origins)

    • Origins

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    • Rōnin Blade Tactics (Origins)

About the instructor

Senior Instructor


Primary Instructor: Tu Lam (Retired U.S. Army Special Forces- Green Beret)--23 Years Full Spectrum Warfare, U.S. Army Special Operations worked throughout 27 countries worldwide. Team-Leader assignments in Unconventional Warfare, Foreign Internal Defense, Special Reconnaissance, Hostage Rescue, Direct Action and Counter-Terrorism Operations in permissive and non-permissive environments. Composite Special Forces team training and development team leader. Founder/CEO and Director of Training and Research Development for Ronin Tactics Inc.